Friday, 4 May 2012

How I made over 1.2 million gold and World of Warcraft and how this relates to Diablo 3.

         In my World of Warcraft career I made over 1.2 million gold playing the auction house across all of my characters. While making this gold I almost NEVER left Stormwind and I NEVER farmed. I made all of my money playing the auction house and converting materials into more valuable items.

What do I mean by playing the auction house?

        Playing the auction house is applying knowledge and understanding of how real life markets fluctuate and change over time to make smart short and long term investments. This can be done using several different methods including flipping, stockpiling etc. These theories and techniques will be discussed in more detail in the weeks to come in posts dedicated to each theory. I will discuss my knowledge of markets and what you should be looking for when attempting different strategies to make money playing markets IN ANY GAME. Since these aren't guides in the manner of do this, that, this again and you will be rich you will be able to apply this knowledge to any game with and economy or even to real life stock markets! This blog will mainly be concentrating on applying these strategies to Diablo 3 and I will be using that game for many of my examples.

Why make in game currency?

      Now that's fairly straightforward. Real. Money. I made real money by selling all this gold I amassed with friends and fellow guild mates. I made over 2000$ selling my gold. In some games this is against the Terms of Service. However there are ways around this. I never actually received $$ for my gold. It was always in exchange for something. You would be surprised what people will do for in game currency. I had people pay for my World of Warcraft subscription( haven't paid for it in over a year) as well as buy me digital copies of games on Steam and Origin. I even had someone order me a 600$ guitar! Crazy. In Diablo 3 making real money is going to be even easier as there is a real money auction house. RMT for short. You will be able to sell  items and gold you get in game for real money. There will also be a gold auction house for people who are not willing to spend real money for items and we will be utilizing both to make our maximum possible profit!

How much are you going to pay for all my knowledge?

     ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! That's right. All my information will be posted on this blog and on my youtube channel for free! I will never charge any of my readers for anything. I may set up a donate button for those who find my information helpful and want to contribute to the website. But I will never ASK for money from any of you. Information will be posted regularly at no cost and may eventually be written up into a free e-book that people will get in exchange for joining and e-mailing list which will send my new posts straight to there inbox!

   So stay tuned, follow the blog and make sure to come back soon for more in-depth  guides into managing and manipulating markets to your advantage as well as how to make smart investments! 

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