Sunday 10 June 2012

How to cancel auctions in D3 at any time!

This is a really simple trick but I'm really surprised blizzard let this slip through. When you have your auctions tab open, alt-tab to your desktop and change the date/time of your computer a couple days back and hit apply.  *Poof*. Now you can cancel all your auctions as you see fit. Take advantage of this great tip before it gets hotfixed! If your items are not selling, cancel them and post again!

Friday 8 June 2012

The best gold making/saving advice for foreseeable future.

This is a very simple tip/ piece of advice. Do NOT combine gems at your jewelcrafter and try to use your blacksmith as little as as possible as all the prices are going to be adjusted next patch 1.0.3.  gem costs are being reduced as follows:

QualityPrevious CostNew Cost
Flawed3 Chipped + 500 gold2 Chipped + 10 gold
Normal3 Flawed + 750 gold2 Flawed + 25 gold
Flawless3 Normal + 1250 gold2 Normal + 40 gold
Perfect3 Flawless + 2000 gold + 1 Page2 Flawless + 55 gold + 1 Page
Radiant3 Perfect + 3500 gold + 2 Pages2 Perfect + 70 gold + 2 Pages
Square3 Radiant + 7500 gold + 1 Tome2 Radiant + 85 gold + 1 Tome
Flawless Square3 Square + 20,000 gold + 2 Tomes2 square + 100 gold + 2 Tomes

As you can see the prices are being reduced ridiculously. So do not use your crafters at all. The new prices for the blacksmith haven't been announced yet but we can only assume they will also be lowered drastically. So save your money and wait for the patch to do any crafting!

Monday 4 June 2012

Diablo 3 possible PS3 release?

Diablo 3 was spotted on a German website as being available for pre-order for PS3, there has been no confirmation from Blizzard however. Keep your hopes up PS3 players!

Sunday 3 June 2012

How to take advantage of Diablo 3's auction house issues.

As of writing this article the commodities are still disabled on the auction house. This means that you can only sell gear at the moment and that gems, recipes, crafting materials, etc. are piling up in peoples inventories and stash's. Now take a minute to think about what is going to happen when commodities are enabled again. Think supply and demand. Supply of all these things is going to be ridiculous and demand will be rather low and will not be able to keep up. This means prices for most commodities are going to drop like crazy. Even before they were disabled some commodities were selling for BELOW VENDOR PRICE. Just imagine what will happen when the auction house is being flooded with millions of auctions and everyone is trying to undercut to sell their items. I predict many items will fall way below vendor price and you will be able to find incredible deals on everything! My suggestion for the upcoming week is to keep as much gold as you can. DO NOT invest your gold in expensive inferno items as there prices have been seeing drops as much as 15% per day. Keep your money in strict gold and be prepared for when commodities come online

As soon as commodities come online be ready to buy. Buy everything under vendor price and invest in things like blacksmithing tomes, pages, books of secrets and lower materials( normal through hell). As more people get to Inferno. Less and less people will be going through the lower level difficulties and these items will rise in price. Save these items in your stash and sell them once the prices start to rise again. Be patient. The longer you wait before selling the greater your profit will be.

You may not want to invest all your money however. If you were planning on trying to make money from Diablo 3. The moment the RMAH comes online you are going to want to try and dump all your gold right away as the prices are going to plummet.

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